12 +Years Experience
12 +Years Experience
GreenTrans® Is not just an online logistics software, it is community instead. Developed with vision to cater requirements of transport & logistics industry for the people and with the people. So far our team has successfully delivered its vision with positive mind work, extensive knowledge & intense hard work.
GreenTrans® is successfully implemented in Domestic Air, Train & Road logistics, our products is running with critical product logistics companies like blood sampling, biological samples logistics service providers & domestic freight forwarding/co-loading companies, it is very user friendly & is being used by more than 2000+ users across India.
GreenTrans® Is multi platform logistics software it gives you choice to work on. It is available in Google Play Store on web and also as your desktop application on your PC.
A Web application (Web app) is an application program that is stored on a remote server and delivered.
Desktop Applications are run stand alone on the user’s laptops and systems.
An Android app is a software application running on the Android platform.
Clearbridge Mobile is a full-service iOS app development company providing services.
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Happy Client
Configure your Reports using this cloud based logistics software to be Delivered Automatically in Email.
Green Trans® has dynamic dashboard from which you can Analyse MIS in Single Window.
Green Trans® Is also a cloud based transport software which is compatiable to integrate with your GPS devices fitted in vehicles.
We provide customized software as per your need.
Green Trans® Is Very user friendly transport software and is being used by more than 1500 users in different companies.It is very flexible and can be customized as per Requirement.
This Logistics Software Generates Auto Sms and Email to Track Consignment, Movement & Short Excess.
2020 GreenTrans. All Rights Reserved.Developed By GreenSoft Solutions Pvt. Ltd